Thursday, 28 November 2013

Turkeys in Oman

Turkeys are rarely found in the Sultanate of Oman.

Just before Thanksgiving, some supermarkets stock these big birds for those who celebrate.

In our Brownies unit there are girls from several nationalities. Some are of mixed nationalities: half-Dutch, half-Indian, quarter-Irish, quarter-Australian. The girls are all working on their culture badges and many had not heard of Thanksgiving. Our leader, Terri Argument, who is from Canada, gave an interesting talk about this American-Canadian celebration.

The Brownies made colourful paper turkeys with wings made out of hand impressions. The girls stuck on the eyes, the noses, and the feet. Some of them put jackets, necklaces, crowns and bows on the turkeys.

At the end of the session, they had some beautiful feathered friends to take home. They also realised the importance of giving thanks to God for everything.
Happy Thanksgiving!

(The Brownies are a section of  Girlguiding which is a leading charity for girls and young women. For more information you may visit their website: )