Friday, 29 November 2013

"I like to move it, move it"

On the Sports Day of an International School in Muscat, a child in Primary 5 reports:

With overcast clouds, it was a perfect setting for the sports day of the Milepost 2 section of our school. If the sun was out, it would have been too hot for us.

We all wore our PE t-shirts today and we looked so similar. We do not have a uniform at school. Our school believes in the children’s freedom to express their personality through clothes.

As we waved our red, green, blue and yellow team flags, supportive parents gathered around the sports field. There were mothers and fathers who had taken an hour or two off from work, women in veils, and even a grandma in a brilliant yellow saree.

The teachers led us to our respective groups and we had to participate in a variety of activities spread out over the field: high jumping, long jumping, javelin throws, and others. Each group had about two children from each team.

We had to change to a different activity when the music came on: I like to move it, move it!

The groups took turns in running around the sports field. That was the toughest bit. Our teachers and parents encouraged us as we ran past them. Maysa's mum ran with her when she got too tired. That was very sporty.

The fastest among our teams were pre-selected for sprinting.

When the time came for the certificates to be distributed, there were ready smiles on hot faces.

We all got certificates for participation although the blue team came first.

Miss Liz took pictures of the special achievers.

Nour’s baby sister waddled over and played on his lap as we sat with our team mates after the event. He lifted her up for the group photograph. We all thought that it was very cute to do so.