Friday, 14 August 2015

A Secret Space

It was a challenge.
Aurea, my neice, had to draw a sketch and write an essay on the topic 'Secret Space'.
If the selection committee found her entry interesting, she would be called for an interview.
Presently, securing admission in a degree course of architecture in Mumbai is quite challenging. There are entrance tests, several admission rounds and a limited number of seats.

What do you think of when you think of a secret space?
Our family comprising of the youngest grandchild who is five to Daddyda who is eighty-two, gave it a thought and came up with interesting secrets locked in mental spaces we didn't know existed. How little we know of people around us!

While Aurea made notes, we discussed hiding places in the house, the interiors of pyramids, castles in the clouds, different perceptions of a sticker in the bathroom, concentric circles of positive and negative thoughts, creative spaces where artistic imagination originates, and the silent secret spaces of oysters and wombs.

Aurea who is born with artistic talent, amazed us with this drawing: 

The essay explaining this sketch talked of Man's dreams and fears. It gave an insight into our minds as secret spaces which inform our decisions.

After a successful interview, our Aurea now goes to an innovative School of Environment and Architecture which gives it's pupils the freedom to explore the landscapes of their imaginations.