Monday, 27 April 2015

About Santa and Banta

When my childhood friend came down from Canada for the first time after his family had migrated there, he was full of jokes about 'Newfies'. 
They all began with, "There was this Newfie who..."
"Who is a Newfie?" I asked him.
"They are, you know, these stupid guys from Newfoundland who have come to Canada recently and..."
Hmmm, I didn't know whether he realised it but my friend was also a recent immigrant to Canada. Did that fact make him stupid? Not at all.
Probably the Newfies had made these 'Indies' from India as a target of their jokes. 
In this day, when migration from one place to another has become common, targeting the migrants with cheap jokes is a popular online sport. 
In India, everybody knows the comical duo - Santa and Banta - the two intellectually-challenged Sardars who feature in most Sardarji jokes.
An example of one such joke: Santa and Banta were playing chess! 
It's a one-liner that makes people double over in laughter. 
In reality, all the people that I have known from the Sikh community are clever, enterprising, and fun-loving.
It would be interesting to find out who started these jokes by using the members of this community as easy targets. 
It is said that a person's character is revealed by the kind of jokes he laughs at. So let's show some character and think twice before forwarding jokes which make fun of a particular community.

(Picture courtesy: Google images)