When winter eases its numbness and nature rejoices by being bountiful, fruit orchards begin to flirt with our senses.
Mango trees, in particular, burst out in delicate filigrees of golden blossoms. In good time, little green commas of tender mangoes hang temptingly from their branches.
While boys eye the clusters of mangoes with stones in their hands, all over the neighbourhood, women begin their annual mango pickle-making rituals.
Among the various types of mango pickles, the Avakai pickle from Andhra Pradesh is a unique variety. You have to taste it to know the difference. And once you do, your taste buds will do a somersault.
I never imagined the process of making this traditional pickle would be so simple till Rani, my friend from Andhra, graciously gave me a step-by-step demo.
Here I have provided her recipe with due credits to Rani.
Avakai Mango Pickle
Important note: Select raw mangoes with tender and soft stones. Cut each mango vertically, discard the stone, and cut into 1" pieces in such a way that each piece gets a portion of the hard stone shell.
4 cups raw mango pieces
1/2 cup salt
1/2 cup chilli powder
1/2 cup mustard seeds powder
1 1/2 tsp fenugreek seeds (roasted)
2 bulbs garlic (peeled and screened for blemishes)
1 1/2 cup sesame oil
- Apply oil to fistfuls of mango pieces so that each piece is evenly oiled.
- Mix salt, chilli powder, mustard seeds powder, and fenugreek to make the spice mixture.
- Mix the oiled mango pieces, garlic, and the spice mixture.
- Store refrigerated in a glass jar.
This pickle is ready to be served after three days.
Every bite of the spiced slice of mango will surely refresh your summer memories throughout the year.