Wednesday, 1 January 2014

A New Year's Resolution

Many of us make resolutions on the first day of the New Year.

Some are sincerely followed. Some are easily broken. Nobody else cares about our own resolutions anyway.

This year I am going to make a single resolution. There is no long list.

There is just this one resolution.

It is not an original idea. It was posted by a friend on Facebook. I shared it on my timeline for a while hoping that I would be able to follow it too. The words were simple and profound. Something stirred inside me. Just like Moses would have felt when he saw the Ten Commandments on the tablet for the first time.

The Facebook post said:

‘Open your mouth only if what you have to say is more beautiful than the silence.’

The silence already exists.

It is beautiful.

When I speak I am going to break it.

If I am breaking it, I should create something more beautiful.

Wow... this is challenging.

It makes me weigh every word before I utter it. It makes me judge every thought before I express it.

It might make me seem rude, boring, stupid, stuck-up, etc. To other people.

However, life is not about other people and us. It is all about God and us.

God has created silence and He has created us.

If I create anything beautiful with words, I will speak.

Other things I would rather keep to myself.

Dear Readers, this is not going to be easy. I will update this blog regularly and keep you updated on how my experiment with silence is coming along.